<head> this tag will list down all metadata of the html doc. Popular metadata include <link> , <title> and <meta>
<h1> to <h6> from big heading to subheading , this represents the titles of the HTML document
Note: do not use <h1> tag to make text bigger, use CSS.
<p> the text paragraph of the HTML doc. block element
<div> and <span> these are for styling the html element, div is block , span is inline
<a> anchor tag, provide a link to another page. inline element.
<a href="http://www.google.com"> Google </a>
<strong> and <b> , both will make text bold , but <strong> means that text is more important.
both are inline element
<em> and <i> , <em> is emphasize the text , <i> to speak in alternative tone.
both are inline element
<nav> is for navigation links , for semantic purpose.
<small> to represents fineprint, side comment.
<header> <section> <aside> <footer> <article> All these provide semantic meaning to html.
Introduced only in HTML 5. No styles are implied.
<h1> to <h6> from big heading to subheading , this represents the titles of the HTML document
Note: do not use <h1> tag to make text bigger, use CSS.
<p> the text paragraph of the HTML doc. block element
<div> and <span> these are for styling the html element, div is block , span is inline
<a> anchor tag, provide a link to another page. inline element.
<a href="http://www.google.com"> Google </a>
<strong> and <b> , both will make text bold , but <strong> means that text is more important.
both are inline element
<em> and <i> , <em> is emphasize the text , <i> to speak in alternative tone.
both are inline element
<nav> is for navigation links , for semantic purpose.
<small> to represents fineprint, side comment.
<header> <section> <aside> <footer> <article> All these provide semantic meaning to html.
Introduced only in HTML 5. No styles are implied.
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