1. color:
can be represented by hexadecimals , HSL (hue , saturation, lightness), RGB or keywords
2. length
- absolute : px
- relative : percentages (based on parent element), em (equal 1 font-size , if fontsize is 10 px, 5 em is 50 px, if no font-size on current element , based on parent element.)
3. display
- block
- inline (inline element do not have height and width)
- inline-block (behave like block , can be beside another element, won't begin on a new line)
- none (totally hide the element)
4. float
position an element relative to its parent. Other element will wrap around it.
It is taken out of the normal flow of the HTML doc.
So it may cause other HTML element to mistakenly wrap around it, we can use `clear` properties to ask the current element to clear away from floated elements.
can be represented by hexadecimals , HSL (hue , saturation, lightness), RGB or keywords
2. length
- absolute : px
- relative : percentages (based on parent element), em (equal 1 font-size , if fontsize is 10 px, 5 em is 50 px, if no font-size on current element , based on parent element.)
3. display
- block
- inline (inline element do not have height and width)
- inline-block (behave like block , can be beside another element, won't begin on a new line)
- none (totally hide the element)
4. float
position an element relative to its parent. Other element will wrap around it.
It is taken out of the normal flow of the HTML doc.
So it may cause other HTML element to mistakenly wrap around it, we can use `clear` properties to ask the current element to clear away from floated elements.
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