I want to share with you my experience of burning out. After registering with Launch School, I am extremely excited about my programming journey. I studied for 10 to 12 hours a day, memorizing fact, trying out practice problems, understanding programming concepts. It was fun and exciting and I love seeing myself growing from nothing in programming to something more. After about 3 months, thing starts to change. I started noticing myself paying less attention to details. I find myself skimming through the course material. I skip "Further Exploration" in the practice problem. I am more interested to study just to pass the assessment rather than truly mastering the concept. It was a gradual burning out process but I continue to study for 10 to 12 hours a day through sheer grit. It felt like doing house chore or working a day job that you don't like. One particular morning I woke up, and I remember this deep feeling of dread because I can anticipate that the next 10 to 1...
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