I took the 219 assessment about 2 months ago. Kevin administered the test. It was a problem solving question whereby you are required to solve a problem using javascript while talking through the steps. The problem looks relatively simple, so I wrote some test cases and pseudo-code. I then proceeded to code the solution. 30 minutes passed, I was pretty confident my solution was right. It solve 5 of the test cases I wrote. I thought I nailed it. I decided to add in a few test-cases just because I have some time left. One of the test cases doesn't produce the required output. It was alright, this kind of things happens sometimes. I decided to tweak my code here and there, thinking it will produce the required output for that particular test case. To my horror, it didn't. Another 15 minutes passed. I begin to panic a little. I remember asking Kevin 'do I have to time myself for the test'. It was funny now when I think back. Of course I do, it was a 1 hour test. It tu...